Meet Me Outside The Shul
THE MAN'S SECTION I'm more of an ethnic Jew than a [...]
THE MAN'S SECTION I'm more of an ethnic Jew than a [...]
The other morning, as my dog, "Molly", and I were [...]
While pushing my granddaughter on a swing in her backyard, singing songs [...]
Early the other weekday morning my fiancée, Lois, opened the [...]
During a discussion in my Sociology class at NYIT, the [...]
From 1986 until his death in 2008, I was a [...]
I couldn't believe my eyes. While riding the subway home one [...]
The expression: "Hoisted on his own petard" comes from Shakespeare's [...]
The New York Times Letters to the Editor February [...]
I had to laugh. During the 2016 Democratic Primary Campaign, [...]
It's as simple and as daunting as that. On the [...]
The 20th century philosopher , Billy Joel, once said: "The King [...]
Freud may have said: "Psychoanalysis is, in essence, a cure through [...]
Joe enjoyed being around kids, but only if they were other people's [...]
I was gratified to read Oliver Burkeman's essay in the [...]
"I read the news today, oh boy". According to the [...]
In a recent article by Oliver Burkeman in The Guardian entitled, "Therapy [...]
Some group members have been so damaged by childhood emotional neglect [...]
When group members get lost in 'futurizing' about how much [...]
In yesterday's post, I wrote about Mario Livio's brief depiction [...]