Sea Turtles Don’t Need Group Psychotherapy
Sea Turtles Don’t Need Group Psychotherapy By Robert [...]
Sea Turtles Don’t Need Group Psychotherapy By Robert [...]
Here's an excerpt from my upcoming book: "The unconscious rules [...]
Blind spots in Group Psychotherapy: “Why don’t they see them?” [...]
The ethical and clinical hazards of dual relationships. Dual relationships [...]
I didn't make up this statement; Einstein did. His genius [...]
This much acclaimed treatise, by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, [...]
One of the more fascinating dynamics described in my new [...]
Good News! An ad for my new book, "Some People [...]
Here is my letter to the editor of Psychology Today, [...]
In an effort to control the conversation, some people attempt to define reality [...]
Belonging is the theme of the Ninth Joint Conference of [...]
Here is the proposal for a workshop that I recently [...]
Group psychotherapy is for people who have problems with relationships. [...]
I had to see the new movie, "The Death of [...]
After my therapist of thirty years retired, I decided to [...]
As a group psychotherapist, I am heartened by one very positive, [...]
You have received a new contact form message. [...]
In recent days, the headlines have been ripe with explosive [...]
To The Editor: While it was heartening to read that [...]
To The Editor: As a group psychotherapist and sociologist, I concur [...]