The New York Times
Letters to the Editor
February 29, 2016
Escaping Addiction
Re “Rehab Rooted in Science” (Profiles in Science, Feb. 23): As a group psychotherapist for over 35 years, I take exception to the characterization of the treatment at rehab programs as group therapy. Twelve-steps programs offer self-help groups. This is not group psychotherapy. Further, as the article correctly notes, these groups are often led by minimally trained lay people. Professional group psychotherapists are trained in working with resistance. The National Registry of Group Psychotherapists is an international organization that certifies qualified professionals in the field. These clinicians must meet strict criteria in order to be recognized as certified group psychotherapists. While abuses of power can occur in any treatment modality, the credentialing process goes along way in minimizing that risk.
Robert S. Pepper Queens