The expression: “Hoisted on his own petard” comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It means being injured by one’s own device that was intended to injure others. Wouldn’t it be ironic and fascinating if after all the bluster, the one person to bring Trump down, is Trump himself? The latest developments with Trump U read like a Greek tragedy where the protagonist is destroyed by the gods for his hubris. Trump failed in his attempt to dismiss the case against him. Not only didn’t the judge dismiss the case and allowed it to proceed, but he added that AG Schneiderman doesn’t have to prove Trump intended to defraud his students, only that they were defrauded. Apparently, that makes the case easier to win. While Trump’s supporters do not seem at all interested in the facts, the AG is.
Isn’t there an interviewer out there brave enough to take him on and bully him back? I would love to see Lewis Black interview him. Trump really is an easy target if you think about it. I mean he has very serious character flaws– rigidity, paranoia and without empathy. These are not very presidential qualities indeed. I had to laugh when I read about an interview the other day, where Trump criticized another candidate as not being viable as a leader because of his inability to mediate, negotiate and resolve differences of opinion. The interviewer didn’t have the courage to say: “Mr. Trump, you’re talking about yourself!” Any Trump response other than: “You’re right–Good point”–would have proven the point.