“I read the news today, oh boy”. According to the NY Post, January 19, 2016, Jerry Seinfeld is auctioning off some of his garage of fancy cars for millions of dollars. He is quoted as saying:” it’s time to send some of them back into the world, for someone else to enjoy, as I have.” One little beauty is on the block to the world for 5 million dollars. The man is a sweetheart. He has spoken like a true rugged individualist; but who’s he kidding. Is he a comedian or something? Seinfeld is fooling himself if he believes that this is a generous offer to humanity. What would Bernie Sanders say about it? What world is Jerry talking about anyway? Will the cars go to deserving families? No. They will be sold to needy multi-millionaires. Notice, he wants some one else to enjoy the cars, he doesn’t say —All of us! If he really wanted to put the cars back into the world, he could donate them to 1-800-Kars for Kids or use his profits from the sales to build low-income housing on the golf courses of the Hamptons or on Jupiter Island.
Some years ago, his buddy, Larry David, was filmed driving Bob Simon, of “60 Minutes”, around in his hybrid. C’mon Jerry–why can’t you be more like your friend? He’s got megabucks too! Maybe not as much as you but hey–how many billions does a guy really need?
In a seemingly unrelated headline, that appeared on the same day, Stephen Hawking issued the dire warning that humans may not last another 100 years in this world. C’mon Jerry, put the bulk of your vast wealth back into our world like Zuckerberg and Gates did. For our children’s sake , for our children’s children and for all our collective sake–put it back and “Go Green!” Oh Yeah. While you’re at it, tell Jay Leno too.
And Remember: No matter how many cars you own in your life, you’ll never love any one of them as much as your first (Mine was a two-tone green ’55 Chevy with cloth dice hanging from the rearview mirror; and I paid $500 bucks for it, a lot of money for me at the time). Besides, you can’t park your exotic cars on a New York City street anyway.
He did not steel his money. He earned it. And gave people millions smiles and keeps giving them via re- runs. My 10 yo loves him. It is his business how to spend it. The only people that judge people like him are envious bunch that never will afford anything like that unless they win a lottery. And no one wants low income housing in the hamptons. That is a rediculous statement. When did it become a crime to make money in this country and spend it?!!
Natalie: Thanks for reading the blog. It hit a nerve. Let’s agree to disagree.