President Obama seems to think most world leaders are ‘out of their minds’. I agree but disagree with his assessment of how this comes about. Apparently, he believes that the job itself makes a man (most world leaders are men) crazy. I think the process starts before that. I have often thought that anyone who wants to be president, shouldn’t be allowed to. In all honesty, I’m not the first one to suggest that the job of president should be determined by lottery. Philip Slater and Lewis Black said it too. In my view, everyone over the age of 35 should have their name placed in a hat and the president should be picked from a random drawing. In an interview with Jerry Seinfeld that appeared in The NY Post on 1/1/16, President Obama seems to indirectly confirm this notion. Obama says “a pretty sizeable percentage” of world leaders are out of their mind. In my opinion, the need to want that much control over people is crazy, in the first place; the role of world leader only exacerbates the problem. When a leader is surrounded by toadies, men that feed the leader what he wants to hear–think LJB–he becomes more insulated from reality and a group/think environment prevails. I believe that the process is exacerbated when the president serves two terms. This is not a good thing for anyone’s mental health; nor is it good for the whole world for that matter. Maybe the process of losing one’s mind is a chicken or the egg phenomenon. Either way, instead of asking Obama the empirical question:” how many world leaders are completely out of their mind?” I wondered if Seinfeld would have had the chutzpah to ask the more interesting logical next question–“Present company included?”
Anyone Who Wants To Be President–Shouldn’t Be Allowed To
By Robert S. Pepper, Phd.|2016-01-31T11:15:28-05:00January 2, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Anyone Who Wants To Be President–Shouldn’t Be Allowed To
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About the Author: Robert S. Pepper, Phd.
Dr. Pepper has been running groups for over twenty-five years and specializes in group therapy. He has a special gift in helping member's resolve conflicts with.