Years ago, while examining me during a pre-op physical, my surgeon complained to me about his wife . Three times within the same sentence, he referred to her as his mother. I said;” You’re lucky my meter is off. Otherwise, I’d tell you that you married your mother”; but my meter wasn’t really off. I worried he’d displace his aggression, toward the two most important women in his life, onto me during the surgery. In the recovery room, while still groggy from the anesthesia, I heard someone singing “Amazing Grace”. When I woke up, I realized it was me. I learned a valuable life lesson from this experience–Just because you think something is true, doesn’t make it true.
My Meter Was Off
By Robert S. Pepper, Phd.|2015-12-24T07:33:10-05:00December 23, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on My Meter Was Off
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About the Author: Robert S. Pepper, Phd.
Dr. Pepper has been running groups for over twenty-five years and specializes in group therapy. He has a special gift in helping member's resolve conflicts with.