As I noted in my last blog, there is a striking similarity between the physical world and the emotional world. The resemblance is profound. Einstein’s insight about the nature of energy, known as the Theory of the Conservation of Energy, applies to emotions as well. There are three possibilities for the Conservation of Emotions: 1. feelings can be put into words 2. feelings can be acted out and 3. feelings can be put into the body and transformed as physical symptoms.
Emotions Are Like Energy: They Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed- They Can Only Change Form
By Robert S. Pepper, Phd.|2015-12-08T09:53:11-05:00December 8, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Emotions Are Like Energy: They Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed- They Can Only Change Form
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About the Author: Robert S. Pepper, Phd.
Dr. Pepper has been running groups for over twenty-five years and specializes in group therapy. He has a special gift in helping member's resolve conflicts with.