Humpty-Trumpty had a great fall

All of his toadies and all of his yes-men

Couldn’t put Trumpty back together again.

To paraphrase George Santayana: “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it”.   History has taught us that presidents, like Lyndon Johnson, who surround themselves with toadies and yes-men pay a price for their hubris. An inner circle, comprised only of those who support and validate the presidents view of the world, isolates him from the world at the same time.  Johnson got  rid of Hubert Humphrey for disagreeing with him and became increasingly paranoid of outsiders.  The leader’s  need to control  reality with feedback that further insulates from the public is ultimately toxic to him. It’s as if he were being fed his own excrement. We’ll know his fall is imminent when the ‘rats desert the sinking ship’ and those closest to him claim that they really weren’t that  close to him after all.