The other morning, as my dog, “Molly”,  and   I were nearing the end of our daily constitutional through Riverside Park, I heard a guy calling for his dog.  “Max”!   “Max”! was his plaintiff cry. I couldn’t see the owner but recognized the dog’s name.  “Max”  (short for Maxine) and her owner, David,   often hung out with Molly and me in the park.  David  a quiet, sweet, man sounded frantic as he called for his good-natured black and brown mutt.  When we crossed paths, I saw panic in his eyes and immediately identified with his sense of dread that his dog had gone missing and  I thought to myself: “This is one of a dog owner’s worst nightmares. “Have you seen Max?” he asked with his eyes filled with fear.  “No” was all I said.  I felt helpless and didn’t know what to do. As Molly and I climbed the stairs out of the park, a woman was holding “Max” by the collar. “Do you know anyone looking for a lost dog?” she said.  “Yeah, Hold on for a minute”.  I walked to the top of the stairs and called  down to him. ” David, David, Max is up here!”   David ran to Max, got down on his knees, held her face close to his and swooned, near to tears:  ” What happened to you?” As Molly and I walked away we heard the woman say that Max had run across Riverside Drive and was almost hit by a car.  I could only imagine David’s feeling a mix of anger and relief.   But then I thought: What a lucky coincidence that I knew exactly who was looking for their lost dog and was in the position to re-unite them on the spot. It was my good deed for the day. I gave Molly a pat on the head and her favorite treat was we walked back home.